doctor greeting patientWhen you are looking for a veterinary care clinic you should be able to count on superior care and excellent service. We at Animal Dental Clinic have assembled an expert team of veterinary professionals to bring you the best possible healthcare for your pet. We have a state of the art veterinary facility which is clean, comfortable, and efficient. Call (703) 281-5900 to schedule an appointment and we will discuss a time that is convenient for you.

At least once a year, you should take your pet in for a check-up. This will include a full oral exam, anesthesia for x-rays, and teeth cleaning with treatment, if needed. Dr. Barron Hall will check the health of your pets mouth, and will discuss with you the treatment plan that best cares for your pet.

There are two options for appointments; a consultation only (no procedures will be preformed that day), or a consultation with procedure (consultation, then you will drop your pet off for the day, and have the procedure done)

Dr. Hall sees his consultations in the morning, from 7:30am to 9:00am, on the half hour. After your consultation with Dr. Hall, where he will visually assess your pet’s mouth, you will drop your pet off for the day. During the day, while your pet is with us, we first assess their overall health, with a check of their temperature, heart rate, and respiration. At this time we also review lab work, and any health concerns your pet may have before we anesthetize them. When they have been thoroughly evaluated and cleared for anesthesia, we will begin our procedure. After full mouth intra-oral radiographs are completed, Dr. Hall will call you to discuss any treatments that need to be done. After the procedure, we will call you and let you know when you can pick your pet up, and go over the discharge instructions when you arrive.

Bring in any medical history you have of your pet when you come to our clinic. The medical history, even history not pertaining to the mouth, is very important in making the best decisions for your pet. Also, remember to inform the staff of any medications your pet is currently taking.

Sometimes it is necessary for the technician to trim the hair around your pet’s face during the procedure, for sanitary reasons to facilitate healing.

We recommend you refrain from scheduling grooming immediately before or less than two weeks after oral surgery.

In order to serve you more efficiently , please visit our online forms page, (HERE) to fill out and print the New Patient form. This will help us to move smoothly during your visit, and cut down on paperwork time.